Ellipse 1550nm Ydun laser

What is the Ellipse 1550nm Ydun laser?

The Ellipse 1550nm Ydun laser is a non-invasive and clinically proven laser treatment designed to improve the overall appearance of your skin. Energy from the laser creates micro-columns of heat in the skin creating new skin cells and increased collagen production.


What can be treated with the Ellipse laser?

The Ellipse laser can be used to improve a variety of skin conditions, including:

  • Skin resurfacing and rejuvenation, to improve the overall appearance and feel of the skin
  • Acne scars
  • Striae (stretch marks)
  • Surgical scars


How does the Ellipse work?

The Ellipse laser uses light energy to create multiple micro-columns of heat in the skin. These columns are surrounded by untreated skin, which allow for faster healing and less risks. The treatment stimulates new skin cell production and new collagen production resulting in skin that looks and feels better.


Who should consider the Ellipse laser?

The Ellipse laser is considered safe for all skin types. It is ideal if you are looking to improve the overall feeling and look of the skin with a low-risk and non-invasive treatment. It can improve the appearance of acne scarring, stretch marks and other types of scars.


What areas can be treated with Ellipse laser?

The Ellipse laser can be used on most skin areas. The face is the most frequently treated area, but areas on the body can also be treated. Your dermatologist will assess your area of concern to determine suitability for treatment.


How do I prepare for the Ellipse treatment?

  • Sun protection. It is essential that you protect your skin from the sun for at least 4 weeks prior to treatment.
  • Moisturizer. Regularly use a moisturizer eg. SouthDerm Peptide cream for one month before treatment as this improves results.
  • Clean skin. Before treatment ensure you have cleaned and removed all creams and make-up from the treatment area.
  • Topical anaesthetic. Application of numbing cream to the cleaned treatment area should be applied at least 1 hour prior to the scheduled treatment time to allow for a more comfortable treatment. A script for the topical anaesthetic can be provided to you by your treating dermatologist.


What is the Ellipse laser treatment like?

The Ellipse laser treatment usually takes around 45 minutes to perform, but this will depend on the area being treated. The eye area is covered for your safety during treatment. With the use of topical anaesthetic prior to the treatment, it is mildly uncomfortable and feels like tiny prickly sensations over the skin. The skin often feels hot, like a sunburn. A cooling device is used to improve your comfort.


How many Ellipse treatments will I need?

The number of treatments required depends on the issue being treated. For facial rejuvenation, typically 1 to 2 treatments are recommended.  For acne scars and other scars usually a series of 3 or more treatments is recommended for best results.


What should I expect after the Ellipse treatment?

Immediately after the treatment has been performed the skin is typically red and swollen, like a sunburn. Typically this resolves over 3 to 5 days. Your treatment area may feel hot and the use of ice packs or cool compresses is recommended. Sleeping on an extra pillow will help reduce swelling. The skin often feels rough and this can last up to 2 to 3 weeks. This is a normal part of the resurfacing process. Do not use exfoliants or abrasive products on your skin for at least 2 weeks after treatment.


What should I do after the Ellipse treatment?

It is important to follow our post-care information, which will be provided to you after the treatment.

  • Sun protection. You must sun protect for at least 4 weeks after treatment. In general, it is recommended to always protect your skin from the sun to avoid sun damage and premature aging of the skin.
  • Ice packs or cool compresses can be used to help reduce redness and swelling after the treatment.
  • Avoid irritating or abrasive products to the skin for at least 2 weeks after the treatment.
  • Use a gentle cleanser to wash your face.
  • Apply a moisturizer eg. SouthDerm Peptide cream as often as required.
  • Avoid makeup for at least 24 hours after treatment.
  • Avoid exercise for at least 48 hours after treatment.


What are the potential side effects of the Ellipse laser?

The Ellipse laser is clinically proven to be safe and effective.

  • It is normal and expected to experience some redness and swelling. Typically this resolves over 3 to 5 days. Sometimes this may persist for longer than expected.
  • Some discomfort may be experienced during and after the treatment. Applying ice packs, cool compresses and cold air can help alleviate this discomfort. Paracetamol may also be taken before and after treatment to reduce discomfort.
  • Increased pigmentation may appear temporarily after the treatment. Typically this resolves within 2 to 3 weeks. Occasionally, it may persist for longer. Strict sun protection before and after the treatment is essential to prevent unwanted pigmentation.
  • Breakouts with tiny whiteheads or pustules may occasionally appear after treatment. Sometimes antibiotics are required to treat these breakouts.
  • Faint patterning of the laser on the skin may occur but usually fades.
  • More serious infection and scarring are extremely rare potential side effects.
  • Finally, whilst not a side effect, sometimes the desired expected results from the treatment are partial eg., the acne scars have only improved slightly.  As the laser is non-invasive and very safe, it can sometimes be difficult to obtain a greater response.